Abrasion resistance

Abrasion resistance

The physical ability of a conveyor belt to resist abrasive wear is the single most influential factor that determines its operational lifetime and therefore its value for money. Different materials and different causes of wear and abrasion require different kinds of abrasion resistant covers. For example, belts that transport heavy and/or sharp objects such as rocks, timber or glass that cut and gouge the belt surface need different resistance properties compared to belts that are used for carrying ‘fine’ materials such as aggregate, sand and gravel, which literally act like sandpaper constantly scouring the rubber cover. Our philosophy at Fenner Dunlop has always been to only supply belts that run for considerably longer periods than our rivals before needing to be replaced and are therefore much more cost-effective. Our team of rubber compound technicians has a combined experience of more than 300 years. This experience has been used to develop an outstanding range of abrasion-resistant covers that are designed to deal with both specific and combined causes of wear and that consistently exceed international quality standards by a significant margin.


AA: Standard abrasion resistance for normal service conditions.
RA: Abrasion resistant for more severe service conditions. Exceeds DIN Y by more than 25%.
RE: Excellent resistance to cuts, impact, and gouging. Exceeds DIN X
RS: Extra wear-resistant to meet the demands of carrying highly abrasive materials. Exceeds DIN W
RES: Similar to RE but even greater wear resistance plus outstanding resistance against tear (rip) propagation. Exceeds DIN X by more than 30%
RAS: Dunlop (Coldstar) RAS cover compound has the very highest resistance to abrasion with an average of 35mm³.

(figures shown represent Dunlop actual abrasion resistance performance averages as achieved and recorded via our rigorous ongoing program of quality-testing).

Read more about the applicable standards and test methods.


What they say about the product

"Fenner Dunlop belts can last up to four or five times longer than others so it also saves on the cost of fitting lots of other belts. Definitely, in the medium and long term Fenner Dunlop is cheaper"

Major vulcanizing company. Spain.

Download technical information bulletin

In this document, you can find information about abrasion resistance in conveyor belting.

Abrasion Resistance

*IMPORTANT NOTE: When analysing the mechanical properties of the rubber used for abrasion resistant covers, higher figures equate to higher performance qualities except in the case of the specific abrasion test where higher figures represent a greater loss of surface rubber and therefore a lower resistance to abrasion.

Abrasion resistance belts